18th Century Patterns
If you're looking for thorough sewing patterns to create your own 18th...
Class Offerings
Virgil's Fine Goods is excited to offer online classes for those looking...
Costume Closet
Costumes in various states of wear, finishing, quality, etc. Get these things...
Ribbons, trims, notions, and other dainty fripperies to personalize your items may...
LBCC Historical Apothecary
We are pleased to have many 18th century items from the ever...
Little Apprentice's Corner
We are happy to announce that we have a new little apprentice...
Patterns & Kits
Virgil's Fine Goods is happy to offer historical sewing patterns and kits...
Readymade Accessories
Here you will find our offerings of readymade accessories for the 18th,...
Scroop Patterns
We are so very fortunate to partner with Scroop Patterns and bring...